Take a ride on the Brightline train from Miami and Ft. Lauderdale to West Palm Beach and experience Wharton’s unique event - Profits with Purpose – where we will provide insights from a developer, a government lobbyist, and a CPA regarding Opportunity Zones, how investors can reduce capital gains taxes by investing in Qualified OZ funds, and how OZ regulations are coming into focus. The event will be held at the West Palm Beach Brightline station.
REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED - Email [email protected] with questions.
Hear from Robert Gilbane, Chairman and founder of Gilbane Development Company and a subsidiary of Gilbane, Inc, one of the largest privately held construction and real estate companies in our industry. With over 60 million square feet developed and valued in excess of $6 billion, as well as 30 offices across the country plus 16 overseas, Gilbane has done everything from multi-family residential, to mixed-use, luxury, office, workforce housing and now, Opportunity Zone Projects and it’s very own Opportunity Fund! Gilbane will share current projects, provide a wide perspective on the construction, real estate and finance aspects of their work and give us a punch list of items to “look out for” when choosing an Opportunity Zone site. Click for a list of projects and more about Robert Gilbane
Discuss with Clarence Williams, Senior Government Relations Consultant of Becker & Poliakoff, the unique and creative ways that Government can work for you. Williams’ 15 plus years of dedicated public service as former chief policy advisor for Congressman Kendrick B. Meek exposed him to several key committees such as Ways and Means, Homeland Security, Armed Services and Budget. Today, his specialty is representing companies involved in health care, armed services, taxation, alternative energy, domestic and international trade and local government. We can’t wait to hear from Clarence on how he has made a difference in his clients’ businesses. Click for more details about Clarence Williams
Learn from Eric (Arkadiy) Green, CPA and Director of Tax Services for Real Estate at Berkowitz Pollack and Brant, whose 20+ years experience includes complex transaction structuring and planning for various international and high-net-worth individual tax issues. Also working with real estate partnerships, investment fund, REITs and corporate entities, Eric is currently quite busy with various Opportunity Zone Projects and Funds. His creative flair for “best use of deferred capital gains” in these projects gives us a broad paintbrush with which to design our very own future O zone investments! Click for more details about Eric Green
Moderated by fellow Penn alum, Michael Feuerman, Senior Vice President and Managing Director with Berger Commercial Realty, representing office and industrial clients throughout the US. Mike is also a licensed attorney (non-practicing) and for the past 20 years has been a commercial real estate broker. As your neighbor and friend, he promises to keep the panelists happy and the audience entertained. Click for more details about Michael Feuerman.
Don’t miss it!
Members: $30
Non-Members: $45
6:00-7:00pm: Cocktails
7:00-8:00pm: Panel discussion
8:00-8:30pm: Q & A
Attention All Wharton Alumni: If you’re not already a member… Join the Wharton Club of South Florida before you register for this event. Membership starts at just $75 (free for recent grads). A wise investment since, joining gets you:
- Access to “Members Only” events such as the Holiday Party
- Free access to many events that non-members must pay for
- Discounts for you and a guest to most other events
So don’t pay more for this event! JOIN HERE!