In today's economic uncertainty, investing your money properly can be a tricky proposition. However, the returns from your membership in the Wharton Club are practically guaranteed - the networking, Club-sponsored programs, and access to other club programs are unbeatable. Renewing or joining now may be worth far more to your career than the modest dues.
Here are just a few of the many powerful benefits you'll enjoy as a member of the Club, one of the most active in the worldwide Wharton network:
Networking: You'll stay connected to the world's largest business school alumni community. Over 80,000 Wharton alumni work in over 135 countries. In the U.S. and abroad, we have over 76 alumni clubs and regional reps. We build on this base by inviting you to a variety of programs with other top B-School and professional groups.
Varied Programs: You'll participate in events that bring you up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies in business, along with professional development. This year's lineup is superb, one of our best ever.
Membership benefits:You will receive access to our online members directory, members only discounts to events and notice of all Club events.
ReciproCITY: which allows you to attend events of other active Wharton Clubs, such as Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, and Denver, at the same prices as their members. This is a great way to build your network when you travel to those areas.